Truco para conseguir gratis cualquier caballo en Red Dead Redemption 2

Truco para conseguir gratis cualquier caballo Hay varias formas de conseguir caballos en Red Dead Redemption 2. Puedes domarlos si los encuentras en los alrededores o en las montañas, aunque esto puede llegar a ser complejo y un poco agobiante.…

Stick it to the Man! creator hid alpha for new game in Zombie Vikings

Stick it to the Man! and Zombie Vikings developer Zoink! is already working on a new game simply called FE, and you can play it right now if you own Zombie Vikings. The above video shows how to access the…

Rock Band 4 Getting Rock Band 3 Song Importing Soon

Harmonix has published a blog post detailing how importing songs into Rock Band 4 from the previous Rock Band game works. As a side note, Rock Band 3 will be removed from the Xbox Live Marketplace on October 30, but…

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be more than just a game

Horizon Hero Dawn came as a surprise to many after it was unveiled earlier this year at E3. Starring a female hero, the game seems to feature a clashing theme of low and high-tech equipment and enemies. Guerilla Games is…